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I am a real person with real feelings just like you behind the pixels, many people seem to for get that!  As you can tell I'm   I am a no nonsence person I am very blunt and to the point I don't believe in bull shit, or sugar coating any thing.  I tell you like it is, and how and what I see, weather you wish to hear me or not weather you like it or not.  I am also known to be sarcastic,blunt and right to the point and I am shy. These are things that most peole are a frade of or diss like in a person. But I all so have a good sence of humor. Im a open minded positvie person or so I TRY to b. I am or try to be a kind caring person whom is known for caring with a heart on her sleve, Dont let that fool you because I can also be a royal bitch!  I am there for my friends and family, yes that include those I call my internet friends as well. 

This is moni my soulmate, I couldnt imagine my life without him, he faught off so much negativity in my life especially those people whom judge the furry fandom family. What do we do together? We play video games together and usually in a call half the time. we hangout in imvu chatrooms and usually we're afk due to the game we're playing. we got 2 furballs miya and kiya, and theyre my life, always keeping us busy.. 

Where are you from? im from puerto rico, and my first language is spanish i choose not to speak spanish due to some personal and family issues, my english isnt very well. 

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